Sheet Metal Local Union #218

Sheet Metal Local Union #218
Champaign, IL 61821
Phone: (217) 529-0161
Phone: (217) 691-1727
Description of Trade: Fabrication and installation of sheet metal items including ductwork, metal roofing, siding, decking, architectural panels and gutters as well as associated equipment, air handling units, fans, dust collectors, kitchen equipment, etc. The work may be performed on new construction sites, remodel of existing buildings or in a dedicated fabrication shop.
Contact: Mid State Contractors and Sheet Metal Workers Local 218C Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee, 605 S County Fair Dr., Champaign, IL, 61821; Apprentice Training Coordinator: Justin Miller, Email: Phone: 217-621-5879
General Requirements: 18 years of age, drivers license, High School diploma/GED. Pass drug test and written exam.
Jurisdiction: Applicants must reside in one of the following counties: Champaign, Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Ford, Moultrie, Piatt, Shelby, and Vermillion.
Application Process: Contact Coordinator for details
Apprentice Training: Sheet metal apprentices will attend classes in the evening: One semester per year of welding and two semesters per year of classroom instruction/shop fabrication. It is a four year program.
Wages: Journeyperson wage is currently $36.10 per hour plus benefits (health care and pension). Apprentices start at 50% of journeyperson scale and receive a 10% raise per year.
Potential Jobs/Careers in this Trade: Studies have shown the need for skilled labor is trending up. Well-trained workers are in demand. Sheet Metal Workers may work as journeypersons in HVAC, Industrial, Test and Balance, or Architectural classifications. There is potential to become foremen, superintendents, project managers or union officers.